Netflix would be disappointed

Project Autopilot

Professional from start to finish.
No drama.

Clean project start.  Professional project finish.  No drama.

Your Good Problem:

You're managing many projects (and many people). Things are falling through the cracks. It's all too much.


Growing pains hurt the worst in project management

Project Autopilot for small businesses

You're a small

You have an influx of new client work.
And that’s a GOOD thing.

But... it’s A LOT. And it’s all on you. Maybe you have a “team.” (Read: people who keep peppering you with questions. 🙈) You know you can’t grow like this. As it is, you're swamped — one or two sick days can topple this entire house of cards.

Project Autopilot for mid-sized businesses

You're suddenly a mid-sized business

Seems like yesterday you were a 2-3 person team… And today you’re a team of 10.

You have entry-level employees turned managers. Part-time-contractors-turned employees. And no cohesive system where all of these well-meaning, energetic people to rally around and get work done. Instead, it's "Where do I find this?" and "Who knows about that?"

You WANT to onboard new clients with confidence and manage every project seamlessly.

But the status quo isn’t going to work at scale.

What you might be using right now:

Click Up
Google Docs

What that looks like:

We need to update Glenn on the status of their project.
Can you please forward to them the clip I recorded & uploaded?

Can you remind me where their folder is? I couldn't find it...
When do you need this done by?

Will email you a link. Also, where we are with Cassie's setup?


#client-Alan-Barton: Have we sent the files for graphic design yet?


You have been assigned a task


New email
Was Max Staff onboarding done?
When did we last update the client?
What else do we need from the client?
Where can we find the latest file?


Your recording has been uploaded

Google Calendar

Albert kickoff call

You wish there was one clear project management solution

where everyone can find everything.

Your wishlist, AKA

What I help you with

What Irit Levi can help you with
Get the right tool for your modus operandi

Tune out the online chatter “SOS: ClickUp vs Monday vs Asana?!?!?!” and focus on tools that are soulmates for the way YOU do things.

Integrate everything

Have your PM tool talk to everything else, so folders, emails, and invoicing all go with the flow. (Sounds like magic? I’ve done this for 15+ clients. It’s not magic.)

Save on human salaries

Pay less for tedious, repetitive work, and only pay for higher-level performance tasks that actually require human decision-making. Prevent details from “falling through the cracks” due to human error.

Ella Steinmetz saved time and work by implementing systems with Day by Day

Systems to save time and work

Irit was amazing in helping us set up systems to save time and work. She was so easy to work with and custom designed a great system for our non profit.

Ella Steinmetz, DOO @ Gelt Charitable Foundation
How it works

1. Plan it


Untangle the project process

I talk you through your process, untangling every task and interdependency. We get very granular about this.

Delegate time & team members

We assign a "time budget" and team member to each task in the process.

Get everything documented

You get a project workflow document, detailing your entire process and the tech you will be using to manage it.

2. Get a tech stack


‍Get done-for-you set up

One phase at a time, I set up your tech and show you how to use it — and you try it out yourself to get a feel for how it works.

Refine each step

As I walk you through the parts of your tech stack, we refine it together to meet your needs

Complete the stack

We finalize your tech stack and update your workflow document so everything is clearly spelled out.

3. Test & tweak it


Use it for real

Sit down every morning in front of ONE source of truth. Use your new workflow system with real projects.

Get support

I'm here to soften the learning curve. Shoot me questions. I'll answer, and send walkthrough videos if you need them.

Achieve mastery

By the time we wrap things up, you'll be ready and automated, for any leads that come your way (and I hope there will be a lot)!

Pricing starts at $5,600

put projects on autopilot
Pricing varies based on scope. Includes email support
for 30 days after setuP

Why trust me with this?

I've put projects on autopilot for brands from all of these industries:
Brand Strategy
Brand Strategy
Real Estate
Real Estate

These brands auto-piloted projects with me together

Pssst! I actually don't take the credit for these things.
These people did all the hard work of building their business to the point of being ready to scale. I just helped them over the next hump.

Rachel went from freelancer to agency owner

Rachel Fakheri

Rachel went from freelancer to agency owner

She banished the everything’s-in-my-head overwhelm — while confidently taking on more clients than ever

When it came to scheduling projects, I didn't even know what my next start date was... Now I can see right in front of me and have the confidence that yes, we can take this on, and do an amazing job with it and deliver on time.

Mordechai primed his team for 8X growth

Mordechai Danielov

Mordechai primed his team for 8X growth

He arranged the systems needed to scale a team of 12 developers to 100 — while mitigating the risks involved in dramatic growth

My best efforts to get systems just fell flat on their face, and it was particularly frustrating because I'm in the database business. I know how important systems are.

Button TextButton Text

Let's Compare

How much difference does automation really make?
Without automation

The Nay Way

Let things fall through the cracks

because each arm of your business doesn’t know what the other is doing

Underwhelm your clients

You’re too busy putting out fires to give them the VIP treatment you usually provide

Limit your client roster, just to play it safe

Stick to the old, disorganized way of doing things. Keep everything dependant on you. Keep answering “What should I do–?” questions from your team, and don’t take on more clients because you know your team simply can’t manage it.

With automation

The Yay! Way

Liberate yourself and every team member to do their job exceptionally — with a system that perfectly aligns with your company strengths

It's still YOUR way. Just faster, smarter, and less manual.

Give clients the impression of a sleek, efficient, well-run business from the moment they reach out to you and onward.

TLC can be automated! Make clients feel cared for without trying so hard.

Confidently grow your team and delegate tasks, knowing your staff is empowered to work autonomously.

Eliminate the need for frequent check-ins and repeated instructions.

Automate Project Workflow


Frequently asked But-But-But's

Can't find the answer to your question?

But the initial planning stage sounds so tedious. Figuring out exactly what needs to happen is going to hurt my brain.

That strategy step is my absolute FAVORITE!!! It is where the magic happens. (And it hurts your brain a lot less when you do it with me, instead of all by your lonesome.)

But I wouldn’t even know where to start with automation.

Right. That’s why you work with me. I know exactly where to start. 😂

But I hate comparing software! What a time suck.

Great! I already did that for you. 🙌🏻

But I know myself. The minute I finish an automation I’m going to want to change things.

And if you never set one up… you won’t want to change things? 🤔 Better to automate and tweak than never automate at all.

But what if it doesn’t work the way I thought it would?

No worries! We’re prepared for that. We allow time for the entire setup to evolve and we tweak it as we go along. It's a standard part of the process for a reason.

But setup is HARD.

I’d venture to say that no setup is harder. 😁 And it’s a lot easier when I’m doing the setup for you — which I do. That’s kind of the whole point.

But there are SO many tech choices and SO many online reviews.

I’ve done my own research and tried every recommended tool myself. So you don’t need to go by what some generic blog post says. You don't even need to read any of those bogus online “tech guides.” Ever again.

But my process is way too custom to each client! I can’t imagine how it could be automated.

Automation can be a PART of a process or workflow. Not just for repetitive tasks, but also for dynamic processes. You can personalize automation. (Like in this case study.)

But I have no time to set up automations! I’m too busy chasing my tail!

Obviously, no one will force you to make time to processify and automate. BUT the sooner you do this, the sooner you stop chasing your tail and free up hours in which you can take on more clients. You’ll also have time to develop more evergreen products that can help your bottom line while you're enjoying more “relaxed” time. (I know. You never really relax.)

But I don't want all of my employees to be able to access everything.

We can set it up in a way that only people with permission have access to the things you want to keep protected. You'll be able to customize permission settings for each team member, giving you full control to protect the privacy of some information.

But I need a client portal. Can you set that up for me?

Yes! I can set up a client portal — and give you control over who has access to elements in it.

Fabulous praise
from friendly clients

Alex B. Sheridan

More time back with my loved ones, thousands of dollars saved in work time, and no headaches trying to set all of this up myself!

Alex B. Sheridan
Chaya Miller

So much technical know-how and yet explains everything so clearly even to those 'technically challenged'

Chaya Miller
Artisan Design Studio
Curt  Sassak

The Zapier whisperer... she clearly knows the ins and outs of that software.

Curt Sassak
University of F.A.F.O.
Noa Meir

A to Z service, including a detailed summary of our sessions, as well as suggestions for improvement.

Noa Meir
Charney Forum for New Diplomacy

Free Whizdom

for automating project management
Podcasts: Pre and Post Production

Podcasts: Pre and Post Production

Podcasts - it seems like everyone has one. The types of podcasts are varied and can include single monologues, discussions between two co-hosts, guest interviews by one or more hosts, and so many other options. Basically the sky's the limit.

Business Development
5 Min Read
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Finding the right tools to implement your process

Finding the right tools to implement your process

You’ve defined a process and have identified who does what and where. The main question you have now is what are the right tools to use for THIS workflow. Tools that will integrate with the rest of your workflow and not force you to use and pay for duplicate tools.

Tools & Integrations
Business Development
5 Min Read
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Setting up your processes

Setting up your processes

Whether you realize it or not, your business has processes, and they define how things are done. You may not have defined these proactively, but they developed as you grew your business. Understanding your processes can help you build a more stable business that can take on more work, with less effort. Ensuring you, your employees and your clients are taken care of in the best way possible.

Business Development
Project Management
Sales Pipeline
4 Min Read
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